Sunday 26 May 2013

Piña Colada
Piña Colada
Piña ColadaPiña Colada

Wcale nie tak dawno temu, mój Brat świętował swoje 18. urodziny. A więc ja, poczuwając się w obowiązku i trochę egoistycznie, chąc wykorzystać okazję, postanowiłam upiec sernik. Ale nie byle jaki sernik, wspaniałość dla każdego miłośnika ananasa i kokosu. Moja Mama, wraz z pierwszym kęsem powiedziała że to zdecydowanie najlepszy sernik jaki w życiu jadła. A to już nie lada komplement z ust tak dobrej kucharki jak ona! Tak więc każdego zdecydowanie zachęcam i polecam, bo przepis warty jest wypróbowania.
Znaleziony na bezbłędnej Kwestii Smaku (mój niestety nie był aż tak fotogeniczny).

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Not that long ago, my Brother was celebrating his 18th birthday. That's when I, wanting to contribute to the party and maybe being a little bit egoistic as well, decided to use this opportunity and bake a cheesecake. But not just a regular, boring cheesecake. It was an amazing cheesecake for all of those, who love pineapple and coconut. After the first bite, my Mum proclaimed it to be the best cheesecake she's ever had - and that's not just a common commendation when heard from such a good cook like her! So I strongly encourage everyone to baking it and recommend the cake, because the recipe is definitely worth trying out.
The original version comes from here, but you can find an English translation just below the pictures.

Piña Colada
Piña Colada
Piña Colada

•340g of digestives cookies
•50g of desiccated coconut (optional - I used some for my cake)
•100g of unsalted butter

•1 kg of curd cheese
•250g of mascarpone cheese
•3 tablespoons of potato starch
•1 and 1/2 glass of cooled condensed milk
•5 eggs
•2 egg yolks
•a can of sliced pinneaple
•a can of coconut milk
•25ml of coconut liqueur (optional)

•300-400g of greek yoghurt

Use a cake tin with a 36cm or 38cm diameter.

   •Fill the bottom of the cake tin with a baking paper

the base
   •Crumble the cookies and mix the crumble with coconut (if you are using it). Melt the butter and mix it with the earlier prepared crumble. Carefully     put the mix out on the base and the sides of the cake tin and when ready, put into the fridge.
   •Take the pineapple out of the can, drain and mix with a blender until it becomes a purée.

the cheese mix
   •Mince the curd cheese three times until it achieves a smooth consistency. Put it into a big bowl.
   •Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.
   •Add mascarpone cheese and potato starch to the earlier minced curd cheese. Mix it all together with a mixer until it reaches a smooth consistency.     Later, mix in condensed milk (leave the remaining 1/4 of a can, we will need it later for the top layer).
   •Add one egg and egg yolk at a time, all the time mixing well with the mixer until all the ingredients are well connected.
   •Open the can with coconut milk and using the spoon, take all the cream from the top (about half a can). Gently, blend in the coconut cream and the     pineapple purée to the cheese mix. Add coconut liqueur, if you are using any.
   •Pour out the cheese mix into the earlier prepped cake tin and put it into the oven. Bake for 15 minutes. Later, decrease the heat to 120 degrees C    and bake for 100 minutes. After that time, take the cheesecake out of the oven and pour the mix of a greek yoghurt and remaining condensed     milk on top of the cake. Bake for 15 more minutes in 120 degrees C.

Serve the cheesecake after it cools down completely.

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