Friday 27 June 2014

Strawberry & Rhubarb Cheesecake

Koniec tego! Minęło półtora tygodnia bez nowego wpisu - karygodne! Dziś więc raczę Was bardzo smaczną nowością... Wspominałam o niej jakiś czas temu kiedy zakasałam rękawy i zabrałam się do wypiekania. Obiecałam też wtedy, że jeśli przepis pozytywnie zda test urządzony mu przez moje kubki smakowe, to dorzucę go tutaj w podwójnej wersji językowej. No i na dodatek słyszę ostatnio, że powinnam częściej dzielić się przepisami więc proszę bardzo - mówisz i masz!
Będziecie jedynie musieli wybaczyć mi dzisiejsze zdjęcia. Jako że dalej męczę się bez mojego laptopa i muszę radzić sobie bez porządnych programów do obróbki zdjęć, to coraz częściej polegam tylko na moim telefonie. Mam nadzieję, że nie pogniewacie się za ten jednorazowy (oby!) wybryk...

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That's it! It's been a week and a half and not a single sign of a new post - simply unforgivable! That's why today I'm regaling you with a very delicious novelty... I've mentioned it a while ago, when I rolled up my sleeves and started baking it. I promised back then that, if the recipe will pass the flavour test on my taste buds, I will post it up here in a double language version. On top of it all, I've been hearing more voices telling me that I should start sharing more recipes with you and stop keeping them all to myself so, there you go - you want it, you have it!
The only thing that you will have to forgive me today are the images. I'm still 'laptopless' and need to make do of what I have. I don't have access to my beloved photo editing programmes and have to rely only on my phone more and more. That's why I really hope that you won't get angry with me for this (hopefully!) only time without proper photos...

Cheesecake, strawberries & rhubarbCheesecake, strawberries & rhubarb

Polską wersję językową przepisu możecie znaleźć po kliknięciu TUTAJ. Oryginał pochodzi ze świetnego Gotuję Bo Lubię, które sprawdza się za każdym jednym razem! Pomyślałam więc, że nie ma sensu przepisywać wszystkiego jeszcze raz na mojego bloga, skoro nie zmieniłam z oryginału ani jednej rzeczy. Smacznego!

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The original recipe comes from a Polish blog and for those interested, you can find it after clicking THIS LINK.
For everyone of you waiting for the English version - bake and enjoy! And don't forget to share it with your friends and let me know how it turned out!

• 3 cups all purpose flour
• 200g unsalted, soft butter
• 2/3 glass of sugar
• 1 egg
• 2 egg yolks
• 2 tablespoons sour cream

• 300g of rhubarb
• 250g strawberries
• 1/2 cup water (125 ml)
• 3/4 cup of sugar
• 40g all purpose flour
• 50g potato starch

• 1kg cream cheese
• 3 tablespoons sour cream
• 3 large eggs
• 1 cup sugar
• 1 packet vanilla flavoured pudding mix

Cheesecake, strawberries & rhubarbCheesecake, strawberries & rhubarb

Knead the dough from all the DOUGH INGREDIENTS. If you find the dough too sticky, you can add a bit of flour but be careful not to overdo it - the dough should be soft, tender and easy to shape. Put the dough into the cake tin with a 26-28 cm diameter. Remember to fill both the bottom and the sides of the tin carefully. Place the cake tin with the dough in a fridge.

Cut the rhubarb and strawberries, mix them with the sugar and place them in a pot for around 15 minutes.

Place all of the CHEESECAKE LAYER ingredients in a large bowl and, using the mixer, mix well only until combined (around 30 seconds). Leave it on the side.

Go back to the rhubarb and strawberries. Put the pot on the stove and boil the fruit for around 10 minutes (until the juice comes out and the rhubarb is soft). In the meantime, combine both flours with water (do it carefully and make sure there are no clumps - using a blender might help) and pour it into the boiling fruit. Boil it over a slow fire only until the mixture becomes very thick. Put the hot fruit mix onto the tin with the dough, spread evenly and top it with the cheese mix.

Put the cake tin into the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for at least 75 minutes.
Once the cheesecake is baked, cool it down to a room temperature and let it sit in the fridge overnight. Decorate with fresh fruit before serving and enjoy!

Cheesecake, strawberries & rhubarb
Cheesecake, strawberries & rhubarb

1 comment:

  1. Zdjęcia są przepyszne! Kocham ciasta, ciasteczka! :D


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